character commissions

sketch | illustrationthank you for considering commissioning me!

sketch commissions

click for full size images

All sketch commissions start at $30

upcharges (+$$$) 
additional character+$15
complex elements/designs+$10

*limit of 2 characters for nsfw sketches

Sound like something you want?

illustration commissions

click for full size images

illustration commissions start at $65 for headshots and waist-ups, and $80 for fullbody illustrations

upcharges (+$$$) 
additional character+$30
complex elements/designs+$20
Drawn background*+$20

*no charge for bg from photo reference, such from unsplash or w/ proper usage rights

**limit of 1 character for nsfw illustrations

Sound like something you want?

terms and conditions

I will not overly lighten a character's canonical skin tone.
I will not draw anything that suggests or is deemed a racist caricature.
I do not draw explicit or implied pedophilia or incest.
I can draw NSFW content, with limitations. Please refer to each commission types' upcharge list for NSFW pricing. I do not draw heavy kink or fetish art, NSFW art of underage characters, nor anything that is or implies dubious or no consent.
I will reject an NSFW commission if you are underage or refuse to disclose your age.
If you are over 18, you may view NSFW examples here!
I reserve the right to refuse a commission for any reason.I require half of the agreed price before starting, and the remaining half upon completion. I will not send the high resolution picture until the payment is made in full. I will send updates and process pictures once the commission has been started.Turnaround can be up to a month or more. I have unmedicated diagnosed mental illnesses that make it very hard to work, and these spells can last days or weeks.* Full refunds are available up until the sketch phase is completed, after which partial refunds (with the price of the sketch deducted) will be honored.Money payment is only accepted through Paypal. Alternate payment methods must be disclosed + agreed upon by both parties before the commission can be accepted.

*Because of this, and in fairness of my commissioners, I only have 5 slots open at any given time. You can see where you would be on the current queue list here.
Payment only accepted through Paypal

"Sounds good, how to I contact you?"


The best way to reach me is through my commission interest form or by sending me an email.If you would like to communicate via social media, please list your username and platform of choice on the aforementioned form and I'll get back to you on your platform of choice (@tealocanth on all social media, or by email).Thank you!

dateedit contents
11.24.2021price update
1.2.2022tos update
1.8.2022queue addition
2.5.2022sketch comm. price update
5.8.2022price update, tos update to account for nsfw
9.22.2022Sketch + illus. example update
1.15.2023Sketch + Illus. Example Update
4.26.2023sketch + illus. example update
5.21.2023sketch + illus. example update